Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I having trouble logging in to my web page?

If you are having trouble viewing your photos, or the images are blank after logging in, it may be because your photos have not been uploaded yet. Please be patient as your photos will be uploaded soon. Please call Christensen Photography if you have any questions about when your photos will be ready to view.

There could be a chance that we have your last name spelled incorrectly in our system. Please contact us so that we can correct the problem and allow you to log in.

This site is only for current OHS Seniors and Christensen Photography customers. If you were an OHS Senior that already graduated, you'll need to contact us if you would like to order print packages.

Previous OHS Seniors have limited time left to view their photos. If your photos are still not showing up, please contact Christensen Photography to view photos and order packages.

Why am I having trouble viewing my photos on my computer?

We recommend the latest versions of the web browser you prefer with cookies, Java, and JavaScript enabled. It's quick, free and easy to update your browser, and virtually all websites you visit will be best viewed with the latest versions of the following browsers:

For Windows Users
For Mac Users

If the site still gives you trouble once you have upgraded to the latest browser version, please send us an email at, and include information about the operating system you are using, the type of connection you have to the Internet, and exactly what the problem is that you are encountering.  We will get back to you about the problem as soon as possible.

What is my Image ID number?

Your Image ID number is the four-digit number below your photos. (ie. #1234 where '1234' would be the Image ID number for this photo). OHS Seniors will need to know the Image ID number in order to submit their yearbook pose. Remember, yearbook poses need to be chosen from photos on the studio background.

How do I purchase a package from the photos I like?

It's easy! Just call us!